18 August 2024
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Call for Papers

Paper Submissions are now CLOSED. Author notifications will occur in mid-July.


Author Guidelines

We invite submissions from all areas of computer vision and image analysis relevant for, or applied to, underwater imagery analysis, as outlined in the Call for Papers.

Paper format

  • Two paper lengths will be accepted. Full papers are encouraged: 
    • Full paper (12-15 pages)  
    • Short papers (6-8 pages)
  • Word/Latex Templates:  please directly refer to the following link: 
  • Publisher for workshop proceedings: Springer 

Ethical requirements

The organizers of CVAUI require that all authors wishing to present a paper declare that:

  • The paper is substantially original and that no paper substantially similar in content has been submitted or will be submitted to any other conference or journal during the review period.
  • The paper does not contain any plagiarism.
  • The paper will be presented by the author or a co-author in person or online.

Submission instructions

  • Submissions will be done by email to the conference organizers. Please send to both aalbu@uvic.ca and maiah@uvic.ca
  • Attach a PDF of your paper, formatted according to the instructions above, with a maximum size of 10 MB.
  • The subject line should read "CVAUI 2022 Submission - [Corresponding Author Last Name]".
  • Submissions must be received by June 6, 2022.